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BUSA Team Racing Western Qualifiers

In the days leading up to the Western Qualifiers, it seemed very unlikely there was going to be any sailing at all, especially with the northern qualifiers cancelled and the forecast for 25kts, gusting 35 on both days. However, the wind at Chew Valley Sailing Club was very different, averaging around 12kts throughout the day. Due to the North Westerly direction, the wind came through trees and the club house, making the conditions very gusty and shifty, and creating very close, interesting racing.

On Saturday morning, we decided that it would be better to use cut downs due to the forecast and it was lucky as gusts of 20kts hit in the afternoon, causing many capsizes and a few breakages. Racing started at around 10.30 and with just a few pauses, continued until 3.30. 60 races were completed and meant that everyone had finished 8 races each.

The wind on Sunday was surprisingly even lighter than the day before and so after starting with cut downs for a couple of hours, a quick change to full rigs sped up the racing again. Everything ran smoothly and the full schedule of 105 races was completed. The final race of the series was a very tense race between Bristol Red vs Cardiff Red, one that decided the winner of the qualifiers. The rest of the competitors watched from the shore as Cardiff led the race 1,2 until the final beat when a penalty spin allowed Bristol to move into a 2,3,5 and win the race and the event, unfortunately knocking Cardiff down into 5th.

The racing on the whole was very close, with only 2 wins separating the 1st 6 teams. Bristol Red, Plymouth Black, Swansea Green and Exeter Black qualified straight through to the BUSA team racing Nationals, while Exeter Blue and both Cardiff Black and Red gained places at the Playoff event next month.

Big thank yous to the Race Officer Jon Napier, all six Umpires and everyone at Chew Valley Sailing Club for all of their help.

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